Is your web designer using the latest technology?
There are two types of front-end web developers out there – those who grasp new and innovative concepts and those who are tied down and entrenched in traditional CSS and HTML. CSS and HTML are two integral languages required to build websites. HTML refers to Hyper Text Mark-up Language and is used to define text and images on a webpage. CSS refers to Cascading Style Sheets and is used to apply “styles” to a webpage, including colors, font sizes, element positions, and so on.
Over the past few years, there has been an explosion in new and exciting design techniques – different ways of implementing beautiful designs and features for every conceivable style of the website. With the release of HTML5 and CSS3 along with the huge uptake of the technology, website design has entered a whole new realm. Animations, effects, and features only previously possible using client-side scriptings like JavaScript or rich media such as Flash are now possible with just a little HTML5 and CSS3. Browser support for both HTML5 and CSS3 is overwhelming with all the latest browser releases supporting the latest components and innovations.
So, why as a designer or front-end web developer in 2011 should you be using CSS3 in the sites you build? CSS3 takes the simple cascading style sheet concept of web design and extends it further – the developers of the language have been working hard to make your life as a web designer easier. One of the most notable features of CSS3 is the ability to get “Photoshop-style” effects without even opening Photoshop or editing an image. Round corners, transparency, and text shadows are all now in-built features of CSS3.
Not only are there features that remove the need for image editing, but there are also new innovations that resolve some of those niggling issues that have plagued web designers since CSS launched. One of the most painful issues for web designers is creating background images for websites. With previous versions of CSS, background images were not scalable and size could not be defined for a CSS background image. This made it very difficult to use attractive backgrounds on websites with the massive array of screen resolutions currently being used. To overcome this, CSS3 now allows you to define both static background image sizes or even better dynamic background image sizes – background images can now change size depending on your screen resolution.
Further to this, CSS3 now accommodates the use of multiple background images.
With the rise of mobile device use and internet access via handheld devices, the use of CSS3 and HTML5 has become even more important. With the majority of internet traffic from mobile devices originating from iPhones or iPads, it simply compounds the fact CSS3 and HTML5 should be in every web developer’s toolbox. Both Apple devices do not support Adobe Flash, so if you want to ensure users can see effects and animations on your website, CSS3 and HTML5 are the way to go.
Not only does the increased use of mobile devices restrict the use of certain rich media technologies, it also means that internet connection speeds are reduced – hence, using HTML5 and CSS3 is again advantageous.
The benefits of incorporating CSS3 into your latest project are innumerable, and I have only scraped the surface – but with new features and innovations being tested and released all the time it’s vital all web developers keep up to date at
Netregistry can help build a website for your business, incorporating the latest elements of CSS3 – call us on 1300 638 734 today to find out more.
Clancy Clarke is the digital marketing manager at Netregistry.